Dose-response of lung cancer to amount smoked, duration and age starting

Additional files

Additional file 1 – Goodness of fit

Describes the method used to estimate a fitted table of pseudo-numbers based on the observed table and the fitted RR estimates. The method differs for prospective studies, where only fitted numbers of cases are derived, and case-control studies, where fitted numbers of both cases and controls are derived. It also describes the tests of goodness-of-fit to the models used.

Additional file 2 – Studies

This file consists of a table describing each of the 71 studies considered in the analysis and the data sources.

Additional file 3 – Blocks

This file consists of three tables giving details of the blocks used for amount smoked (Table A3/1), duration of smoking (Table A3/2) and age of starting to smoke (Table A2/3). The tables are based on, respectively, 97, 35 and 27 blocks.

Additional file 4 – Fit Amount Smoked

This file contains the detailed results of the analyses for amount smoked based on (i) the linear model, (ii) the best-fitting power model and (iii) the best-fitting log-with-baseline model

Additional file 5 – Fit Duration

This file contains the results of the detailed analyses for duration of smoking based on (i) the linear model, (ii) the best-fitting power model and (iii) the best-fitting log-with-baseline model

Additional file 6 – Fit Age Start

This file contains the results of the detailed analyses for age at starting to smoke based on (i) the linear model and (ii) the best-fitting power model